Feb 13, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin

Program Descriptions

IPFW is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Information about North Central accreditation is available from the vice chancellor for academic affairs (KT 170, 260-481-6116). You may also contact the Higher Learning Commission directly at www.ncahlc.org; or by writing to 230 South LaSalle St., Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604-1411; or by phone at 800-621-7440.

The following is an alphabetical list of all undergraduate degree, certificate, minor, and transfer programs available at IPFW.

  • A degree is an award earned by satisfactorily completing a specified program of courses and adhering to the applicable academic regulations. Each degree includes one or more major fields of study. Completion of a degree program is acknowledged by receipt of a diploma. The two most common degrees earned by IPFW students are the associate degree (abbreviated A.A. for Associate of Arts and A.S. for Associate of Science) and the bachelor’s degree (abbreviated B.A. for Bachelor of Arts and B.S. for Bachelor of Science). Earning an associate degree requires at least two years of full-time study, with a longer period if enrolled only part time. Earning a bachelor’s degree takes about twice as long.
  • A certificate is not a college degree, but is composed of a series of courses that focus on a specialized area of knowledge or specific skills. The university recognizes completion of the required courses and satisfaction of applicable academic regulations by awarding a certificate.
  • A minor is a less comprehensive program of study that is chosen in conjunction with a major field of study. To earn a minor, the student must complete a degree program in a different subject area.
  • A transfer program is a series of courses that will apply toward a degree to be awarded by another campus of IU or Purdue. Credits for these courses can be transferred to the other campus, but students are required to satisfy the admission and graduation requirements of the campus to which they transfer.
  • Current IU Students in Programs Transitioning to Purdue

Students who enrolled in IPFW prior to July 1, 2018 and who are currently enrolled in academic programs leading to one or more Indiana University Degrees, who are making adequate progress to degree completion, and who complete all degree requirements by Fall Semester 2021 will receive an Indiana University Degree. Students currently enrolled in an Indiana University Degree Program who do not complete all degree requirements by Fall Semester 2021, will be awarded a Purdue University Degree. 

  • Current Purdue University Students Transitioning to Indiana University

Students who enrolled in an IPFW Health and Human Services Degree Program scheduled to transfer to Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis control (i.e. Department of Dental Education, Department of Nursing, or Department of Medical Imaging and Radiologic Sciences) should contact their Indiana University academic advisor on all matters related to their transition to IUPUI.

Baccalaureate Framework

Category (General Education Courses)




Dual Degree



TransferIN.net: Indiana Core Transfer Library