2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin
Information Systems (B.S.)
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Program: B.S.
Department of Computer Science
College of Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science
Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science Building 125 ~ 260-481-6803 ~ www.ipfw.edu/cs
The Bachelor of Science in Information Systems emphasizes the design, development, and use of Information Systems for the management of information in the modern corporate and organizational environment. Additional focus is on the business knowledge courses as well as the use of technology, such as SAP, in business management software, solutions, and applications for business process. The Bachelor of Science in Information Systems prepares you for a career as a computer professional as well as for possible graduate study.
The Department of Computer Science offers the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, an Associate of Science in Information Systems, a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science. In addition to the degrees, the department offers a minor in Information Systems, a minor in Informatics, and a Certificate of Information Systems.
The student learning outcomes for the degree are as follows:
- An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the program’s student outcomes and to the discipline.
- An ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
- An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.
- An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
- An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities.
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
- An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society.
- Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development.
- An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.
- An understanding of processes that support the delivery and management of information systems within a specific application environment.
Program Delivery
Declaring This Major
General Requirements
IPFW General Education Requirements: Credits 30
General Education Requirements Individuals previously earning the A.S. in Information Systems at IPFW have fulfilled the 30 Cr. Hrs. required in General Education requirements. Category A: Foundational Intellectual Skills
1. Written Communication: Credits 6
2. Speaking and Listening: Credits 6
3. Quantitative Reasoning: Credits 3
Category B: Interdisciplinary or Creative Ways of Knowing
4. Scientific Ways of Knowing: Credits 3
- At least 3 credits in Category B Competency 4, meeting all outcomes. See the list of approved courses on the General Education Requirements web page.
5. Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing: Credits 3
- At least 3 credits in Category B Competency 5 meeting all outcomes. See the list of approved courses on the IPFW General Education Program web page.
- OLS 25200 recommended.
6. Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing: Credits 3
- At least 3 credits in Category B Competency 6 meeting all outcomes. See the list of approved courses on the IPFW General Education Program web page.
- PHIL 11100 recommended.
7. Interdisciplinary or Creative Ways of Knowing: Credits 3
- At least 3 credits in Category B Competency 7 meeting all outcomes. See the list of approved courses on the IPFW General Education Program web page.
- BUS W100 recommended.
Core Requirements: Credits 19
Supporting Courses: Credits 6
Approved Elective: Credits 5
Advanced Core Requirements: Credits 21
Advanced Supporting Courses: Credits 18
One of the following: Credits 3
One of the following approved Business or Economics: Credits 3
Two of the following approved Advanced Business Elective: Credits 6
Areas of Concentrations: Credits 15
- To satisfy the Concentration Area requirement, the student must select one of the following options.
Minor in Computer Science
Choose one of the following:
Computer Networking Certificate
Networking Administration (NA) Depth Area
Area of Depth Approved Elective: Credits 3
- 3 credit hours of an approved elective from the Area of Depth
- IST 45000 or IST 49200 (recommended)
General Education Electives: Credits 3
- At least 3 credits in any Category B or A general education course.
- CS 11200 recommended.
GPA Requirement
- You must satisfy the IPFW and the College of Engineering, Technology, and Computer Science Cumulative GPA requirement for graduation.
Academic Regulations
- Only computer science courses in which you have earned a grade of C or better can be applied to the degree or used to satisfy prerequisites.
- Only courses with a grade of C- or better count to satisfy the IPFW general education requirements.
- A maximum of 10 credits with a grade of D will be accepted in non-CS courses.
- No credit toward graduation will be given for courses or sequences with overlapping content or for developmental courses.
- CS 106 or ETCS 106 will not count towards the BS degree
- ENG W129/W130/R150/R190/P131 and MA 10900/11300/12400 do not count for credit towards the IS degrees.
Student Responsibilities
You are responsible for satisfying the graduation requirements specified for your selected program. Thus, it is essential that you develop a thorough understanding of the required courses, academic policies, and procedures governing your academic career. All requests for exceptions to specific requirements must be made in writing and may be granted only by written approval from the appropriate chair or dean. |
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