2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin
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Department of Anthropology (Merging with Sociology effective July 1, 2017)
College of Arts and Sciences
Kettler Hall G11A ~ 260-481-6272 ~ ipfw.edu/anthropology
Courses in anthropology provide an understanding of the nature of cultures and help you assess various explanations of human behavior. They also assist in the development of your analytical and critical abilities. The curriculum is structured to include studies in the history and theory of anthropology in four anthropological fields (ethnology, archeology, bioanthropology, linguistics), in at least two different world ethnographic areas, and in topical specializations. This program will help you prepare for graduate study, for teaching, and for careers in which the understanding of various cultures is an asset.
Although a minor is not required for the bachelor’s degree in anthropology, an outside concentration is recommended. Fifteen credits in history, political science, psychology, or sociology support the concentration.
A certificate in Native American Studies is also available.
For program descriptions, see Programs of this Bulletin.
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