Feb 26, 2025
Graduate Bulletin 2009-2010 [Archived Catalog]
Secondary Education (M.S.Ed.)
Indiana University
Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.)
School of Education
Barry Kanpol, Dean
Joe D. Nichols, Graduate Program Director
260-481-4146 ~ www.ipfw.edu/educ ~ Neff Hall 250
To earn the master’s degree with a major in secondary education, you must satisfactorily complete the following program:
Introduction to M.S.Ed. Program: (6 credits — first two courses)
- EDUA F500 - Seminar: Learning, Teaching, Leading Credits: 3
Two Portfolio Checkpoints:
- After 18 hours of credit in M.S.Ed. program,* and
- After 33 hours of credit in M.S.Ed. program*
Foundations Block: (12 credits)
Choose one from Psychological Foundations: ( 3 Credits)
Choose one from Social Foundations: ( 3 Credits)
Secondary Core: (15 credits)
Choose one graduate course in content area of license (3 credits)
Choose one from: (3 credits)
Electives: (6 credits — part of Secondary Core)
Choose from courses above, workshops, or content courses, or 1-credit Critical Analysis and Reading Core seminars on topics of interest (maximum one 1-credit course per semester). ** Capstone to M.S.Ed. Program: (3 credits — last course)
- It is strongly recommended that students take EDUA F500 and EDUC P503 as the first courses in their program. The last course will be EDUC S591.
- Students may, however, take up to 6 credit hours before entering the program, at which point they would take EDUA F500 and EDUC P503.
- *Students will meet with a faculty committee for each of the two portfolio checkpoints in the semester following completion of 18 hours of credit and again in the semester following 33 hours of credit.
- **Students may only apply 6 hours of workshop credit toward completion of the M.S.Ed. Also, at least 21 of the 36 total credits toward the M.S.Ed. must be completed at IPFW.