Indiana University
Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.)
College of Education and Public Policy
Amy Nitza, Graduate Program Director
260-481-6453 or 260-481-6861 ~ ~ Neff Hall 240
The counselor education program provides the following options:
- Couple and Family Counseling consists of 60 credits and can be completed in three years.
- School Counseling consists of 54 credits and can be completed in three years.
Each of the above options emphasizes:
- Theory, skills, and strategies of counseling
- Research on counseling issues
- Supervised counseling experience (on-campus practicums and off-campus internship).
Acceptance to the Counselor Education Program
Acceptance to the program is available only for the Summer II Semester. Preference is given to applications received on or before February 1. To be considered, you must provide the following materials with your application for admission to graduate study in education:
- A completed Counselor Education program application form, official transcripts from all colleges you have attended, three references, and copies of all applicable licenses
- A current résumé or curriculum vitae
- A statement, approximately two pages in length, that summarizes your
- Professional goals, including preferred professional setting(s), examples of typical employment activities, and any specialized interests
- Past experiences contributing to the development of your cited professional goals
- Unique skills and characteristics aiding your pursuit of your cited goals
After the Director of Counselor Education has determined that you qualify for admission to graduate study in education, your application to the Counselor Education program and the additional material you have provided will be referred to the to the Dean of the College of Education and Public Policy. The Dean and appropriate faculty will evaluate your demonstrated academic ability and evidence of your aptitude for working with people. You will also be required to participate in an interview process. Applicants are accepted to the program with the stipulation they adhere to the curriculum of their elected option.
Conditional Acceptance
At the recommendation of the counseling program faculty, applicants with undergraduate GPAs below 3.2 (4.0=A) and/or limited applicable work experience may be accepted to the program contingent on their maintaining a GPA of 3.5 for their first year of course work (Summer II, Fall , Spring, Summer I) in the Counselor Education program. The GRE can be taken by students whose GPA falls below 3.2 to strengthen their case for admission.
Supervised Experience
The Counselor Education program requires the following supervised counseling experience with clients:
On-Campus Practica
You must enroll in and satisfactorily complete two practica for School Counseling and three practica for Couple and Family Counseling in the IPFW Community Counseling Center. Your work in these courses will be closely supervised by selected faculty.
Counseling Internship
For the school counseling option, all students must complete a 600-hour counseling internship in an accredited K - 12 school. Students pursuing the couple and family counseling option must complete 500 face-to-face client contact hours divided between the internship (in an approved agency setting) and the three practicums. Before you are permitted to work with clients, you must:
- Earn a minimum grade of B in each practicum course; and
- Comply with the Ethical Standards of the American Counseling Association, the American School Counseling Association, or the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
Your specific responsibilities in the client/counselor relationship are detailed in the following school publications: Graduate Student Orientation Handbook and The Counselor Education Program Handbook. You are expected to conduct yourself professionally, uphold confidentiality, avoid dual relationships with clients, and refrain from any unsupervised counseling activities. Your failure to meet these expectations will result in your censure or dismissal from the program.
Completion of the school counseling option is designed to lead to a School Counselor educator license for the State of Indiana. Completion of the couple and family counseling option is designed to lead to subsequent licensure as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) in the state of Indiana.