Undergraduate Bulletin 2010-2011 [Archived Catalog]
Art Education (B.A.)
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Program: B.A. Art Education(All-Grade Education Program)
Department of Fine Arts
College of Visual and Performing Arts
Visual Arts Building 117 ~ 260-481-6705 ~ www.ipfw.edu/vpa/
The student learning outcomes for the degree are as follows:
- The Bachelor of Art in Art Education degree prepares the student to teach elementary, middle school, and junior high/senior high art.
- The Bachelor of Arts in Art Education program at IPFW promotes and cultivates the role of artist/teacher as the ideal educator of the arts in schools today. With a solid background in studio arts, student teachers use their experience as artists to develop a philosophy that aims to create authentic art making conditions in their future positions as art educators. Art educators learn to advocate for the arts and are given learning opportunities both in school and museum contexts as they grow to share learning and understanding of visual arts education.
The Bachelor of Art in Art Education degree is divided into three parts; 36 credit hours of General Education, 54 credit hours of art history and art studio courses, and 38 credit hours of Professional Education classes. A 3.00 GPA in the Content Field (art history and art studio) and a 2.5 cumulative GPA is required for this degree. A cumulative GPA of 2.5 from coursework taken from previous institutions or in IPFW Professional Education classes needs to be recorded. In addition each Area of General Education must maintain a 2.0 GPA. A total of 128 credits is required for graduation.
Components: |
Credits |
I. General Education |
36 |
II. Content Field |
54 |
III. Professional Education |
38 |
Total |
128 |
IPFW General Education Requirements
Area I—Linguistic and Numerical Foundations
One of the Following Credits: 3
Area II—Natural and Physical Sciences
One class in: Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, or Bioanthropology Credits: 3. Area III—The Individual, Culture, and Society
One of the following Credits: 3
One of the following Credits: 3
College of Visual and Performing Arts Requirements Credits: 54
Art History Requirements Credits: 6
FINA H111 and H112 should be taken just prior to Praxis II testing (see Professional Teaching Requirements). 100 Level Foundations Requirements Credits: 12
100 Level Foundation Portfolio Review Checkkpoint
Students in all of the Department of Fine Arts programs will submit a portfolio of 100 level Foundation studio work to be reviewed by Department of Fine Arts faculty. The review is a checkpoint to assure that students have met adequate quality standards in the Foundation program. The portfolio will consist of 12-15 works, with at least two works from each 100 level Foundation course. Upon a satisfactory portfolio review, students will continue in 200 level Fundamentals studio classes. Some students may be asked to re-take particular Foundation classes to attain department standards. 200 Level Studio Requirements Credits: 21
B.A. in Art Education Portfolio Review
Each student must submit a portfolio of 200 level work to attain formal acceptance into the B.A. in Art Education program. The portfolio review must be passed and recorded before students will be allowed to enter the Block 1 Teacher Education block of classes. Students presenting a portfolio for acceptance into the B.A. in Art Education program can declare an area of studio concentration, i.e. painting, sculpture, or can decide to take a variety of advanced studio classes. The portfolio should consist of 15-20 works, with at least two works from each 200 level Fundamentals course. It is highly recommended that students seek faculty advice on which works to submit for review. Faculty evaluations will be based on a student’s strong knowledge and skills in: - showing competence in representational drawing of volume, pictorial space, and the depiction of the human figure. An understanding of linear perspective should be evident.
- the ability to compose aesthetic element of line, tone/value, shape, texture, color, and 3D form in space.
demonstrating technical and aesthetic excellence (for the 60 credit level) in your chosen major; i.e. drawing, ceramics, metalsmithing, painting, printmaking, or sculpture. -
(for 2D majors) drawing, painting, printmaking as well as the demonstration of competence and serious investigation in 3D media. -
(for 3D majors) ceramics, metalsmithing, and sculpture with competence and serious investigation in 2D media. B.A. in Art Education Portfolio Review Outcome
A student applying for acceptance in the B.A. in Art Education program may be accepted, deferred, or denied. A student’s acceptance into the B.A. in Art Education will allow them to advance into 300 level studio classes as a B.A in Art Education major. A deferred student will be asked to re-submit their portfolio for consideration after re-taking requested classes. A student denied entry into the B.A. in Art Education program may wish to consider the B.A. program or apply once again for entry into the B.A. in Art Education program with permission from the department. Advanced Studio Courses Credits: 15
300/400 Studio - Five (5) advanced 300/400 studio courses need to be fulfilled in this area.
- 300 level classes must be taken prior to 400 level classes
- Two (2) Department of Visual Communications and Design (VCD) courses can be taken in this area.
Professional Education Requirements Credits: 38
Initial Requirement Block Credits: 4
Block should be completed within the sophomore year. PPST Testing
PPST (Pre-Professional Skills Test) Test results must be turned into Department of Fine Arts secretary prior to registering for Block 1 Teacher Education classes. Initial Requirement Block and all areas of the PPST must be completed, passed, and recorded prior to registration into Block 1 Teacher Education. The Department of Fine Arts 200 Level Portfolio Review must also be passed before entering Teacher Education Block 1. The IPFW School of Education has information about PPST study guides and testing schedules. Block 1: Teacher Education Requirements Credits: 12
Block 1 must be completed before entering Block 2. Block 2: Professional Education Credits: 9
Praxis II (Art Education Exam)
Praxis II must be passed and recorded prior to applying for a teaching license. Art History H111 and H112 (see above) should be taken just prior to Praxis II testing. Student Teaching Credits: 13
- 10 week plus 6 week combination.
- Student must complete an application for student teaching one year before intended student teaching semester.
Recommendations, Requirements, Transfers, and Policies
Recommendations Students should schedule classes within the B.A. program under the guidance of the official departmental advisor. Residence Requirements For a bachelor’s degree, registration in and completion of at least 33 credits of resident course credit at the 200 level or above, including at least 15 credits at the 300 level or above, in courses applicable to the major. Transfer and Returning Student Credit All studio and art history courses transferred from another institution or former IPFW art programs must be evaluated by appropriate faculty in the Department of Fine Arts program before they may be applied to a major in Fine Arts. See Transfer and Returning Student Credit Review. Transfer and Returning Student Credit Review Courses in studio art that have been transferred to IPFW from another institution or former IPFW art programs are not counted as part of the Fine Arts major unless they have been reviewed by the Fine Arts faculty. For a review of transferred studio credit, the student should provide the viewer with a portfolio consisting of representative work in each area (e.g. painting, sculpture, etc.) for which the transfer credit is desired. The portfolio should include both studies and finished work and be as encompassing as possible. Academic Probation/Dismissal Policies If a student does not meet the university’s GPA standard, they will be notified that they have been placed on academic probation and will be asked to make progress towards meeting campus standards. Department of Fine Arts programs have their own academic standards as stated above. If a student is not meeting these standards, they will be notified and placed on departmental academic probation. If a student does not make positive progress towards meeting the academic standards of the department within twelve (12) credit hours of study, they will be subject to dismissal from the Department of Fine Arts program. |
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