Sep 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin [Archived Catalog]

Part 6: Course Descriptions

Part 6 contains course descriptions in alphabetical order.

Standard information for each course includes the number, title, and credits (sometimes called credit hours or semester hours). For some courses, you will find information on the hours of class, laboratory, or studio for which the course is scheduled in each week of a regular semester; these weekly hours are expanded during summer sessions. Fees for courses are assessed on the basis of credits and other factors.

The course-numbering system generally suggests levels of difficulty and appropriateness. Courses at the 100 and 200 levels comprise introductory offerings and those are most commonly taken by freshmen and sophomores. Courses at the 300 and 400 levels are primarily for juniors and seniors. In some Purdue programs, undergraduates take courses at the 500 level, but generally courses numbered 500 and above are for graduate students.

Preparation for courses is indicated as follows:

P: indicates a prerequisite that must precede your enrollment in the course described. You may find one or more specific course numbers, the number of credits you should already have in a subject, a placement-test level, or other conditions.

C: indicates a corequisite that must be taken no later than the same semester in which you take the course described.

R: indicates a recommendation concerning conditions to be met for enrollment in the course.

When no subject code is shown for prerequisites, corequisites, and recommended courses, they are in the same subject area as the course being described. If you lack a prerequisite or corequisite, or if you wish to take a course numbered at a higher level than your present status, you should seek the department’s or instructor’s consent to enroll in the course.

V.T. means Variable Title and is shown for courses for which the title may be changed to specify the topic or other special focus of each offering.

Session indicators (fall, spring, summer) suggest the times at which courses are generally offered. Scheduling patterns may, however, vary.

IPFW reserves the right to add, withdraw, or change courses without notice.


  • CPET 57500 - Management of Technology

    An introduction of the conceptual foundation of and the method for managing technology and innovation. Topics includes technology and society; technology development infrastructure; technology and strategy; technology competitive analysis, forecasting and assessment; techniques for dealing with risk, uncertainty and change; tools and best practices for technology lifecycle management; government, societal, and international issues. A combination of lectures, reading, presentation and reports, a variety of case studies, and group discussions is used.

    Preparation for Course
    P: B.S. degree in EET, CPT, or EE or senior/graduate standing and consent of instuctor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CPET 58100 - Workshop In Computer Engineering Technology

    Advanced study of technical and professional topics. Emphasis is on new developments relating to technical, operational, and training aspects of industry and technology education.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Admission by consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CPET 59000 - Special Problems in IT and Advanced Computer Applications

    Independent study of a special problem under the guidance of a member of the staff (or, the student’s academic advisor). Does not substitute for either M.S. thesis or M.S. project credit.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Variable Title
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CPET 59800 - Directed MS Project

    A formal investigation of a particular problem under the guidance of the advisory committee. Not applicable to a thesis option plan of study. Enrollment during at least two consecutive terms for a total of three credits is required.

    Cr. 1-3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CPT 55500 - Advanced Network Security

    Advanced conceptual and technological aspects of network security for voice and data networks. Deals with the advanced analysis, design, implementation, and management issues surrounding effective network security. Technology research and presentation of results, as well as security technology implementation, are required course outcomes.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CS 11200 - Survey of Computer Science

    This course is designed to provide a broad and realistic idea of what computer professionals do and how they do it. It will prepare students for later computing courses, including software development courses, by providing both individual and team hands-on lab experiences with Web design, markup languages (HTML) and JavaScript. Students will be introduced to various professional opportunities and work environments. Current topics in computer science as they relate to society will be covered. Students will gain sufficient programming experience to enable a smooth transition to CS 160 Java programming.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 11400 - Introduction to Visual Basic

    This course provides an introduction to programming using the Visual Basic language and its integrated development environment. Topics to be covered include the syntax and structure of the VB language; controls, dialog boxes, and other interface tools; menu design; multiple forms; error-trapping; and arrays. Other topics that may be covered include object linking and embedding (OLE); VB for applications; database development using record sets and databound controls; data handling; grids; validation and election; drag and drop; and graphics, and new revisions for interoperability with other languages.

    Preparation for Course
    C: MA 14900 or 15300.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 15500 - COBOL Programming

    Study of the COBOL programming language with emphasis on file organization and processing. Topics covered include data types, data definition, subprograms, and parameter passing. Emphasis on developing program structure and style.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 16100.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 16000 - Introduction to Computer Science I

    An introduction to the fundamental concepts and techniques of Computer Science. Students will learn to program using an object-oriented language. They will learn how to translate a real problem into a program description, and how to write and test a program to implement their description. The emphasis will be on developing a professional style at an elementary level. CS 160 will carry syntax as far as interacting classes, arrays of one dimension, and simple file i/o. Students with no programming background should instead consider CS 112.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MA 15300.

    Cr. 4.
  • CS 16000 - Introduction to Computer Science I-Honors

    Equivalent of CS 160 for honors students. An introduction to computer concepts and the fundamentals of structured programming in a high-level language. Problem-solving techniques, specifications, stepwise refinement, programming style, structure charts and program documentation. Programming topics include data types, assignments, input/output, subprograms, selection, iteration, arrays, records, text files, and simple searching and sorting.

    Preparation for Course
    P: honors eligibility with an SAT math score of 600 or higher, placement into MA 16500, or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 4.
    To register in an honors course, students must have Honors Program eligibility or instructor’s permission.
  • CS 16100 - Introduction to Computer Science II

    This course continues CS 160. Students will design larger programs to solve more complicated problems. The emphasis is on deepening students’ abilities to deal with abstraction, problem decomposition, and the interaction between program components. Students will develop their professional practice through analysis of more general problems, debugging and testing of their programs, and written presentation of their solutions. Topics include multidimensional arrays, event-driven programs, GUI’s, class inheritance and interfaces, and libraries.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS16000; C: MA 17500.

    Cr. 4.
  • CS 17000 - C and Data Structures

    The course will introduce the C programming language including the language syntax, the programming environment, basic data types, complex data types (pointer, array, structures, bit fields, and unions), macros, i/o, and functions. Program development will emphasize modularization, data abstraction, and selection and analysis of algorithms. Other topics include recursion, files, linked lists, stacks, queues, and binary trees. Course projects are related to common engineering and computer science applications. Course will not count toward graduation in the computer science department.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 16000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 17200 - Introduction to C

    The course will introduce the C programming language including the language syntax, the programming environment, basic data types, complex data types (pointer, array, structures, bit fields, and unions), macros, i/o, and functions.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS16000.

    Cr. 1.
  • CS 20300 - Advanced Visual Basic

    This course continues the study of Visual Basic begun in CS 114/ ECET 114. Topics to be covered include reading and writing of sequential and direct files; custom controls; advanced SQL; the creation of online help; object linking and embedding (OLE): calling DLL procedures (Windows API); class modules; and an introduction to ActiveX components. Student will learn the skills needed to create stand-alone and www-based Visual Basic applications for personal computer use. This course will provide guidance in preparing for the Microsoft Certified Systems Designer examination.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS11400 or ECET 11400.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 22700 - Introduction to C Programming

    Introduction to programming in C to solve engineering problems. Topics include primitive data types, control structures, standard input/output, file input/output, mathematic library, procedural programming, problem-solving, user-defined functions, arrays, and pointers.

    Preparation for Course
    P: ENGR 12100.

    Cr. 2.
  • CS 22800 - Object Oriented Programming in C++

    This course will introduce the fundamentals of objected oriented programming in C++. Students should gain understanding of the implementation of inheritance, composition, method overloading and overriding, polymorphism, templates, and standard template library.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 22700 or ENGR 22100 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 1.
  • CS 23200 - Introduction to C and Unix

    This course is an introduction to the C language and the Unix operating system. It presumes fluency in a high-level language. The course will focus on standard C and Unix tools, rather than a proprietary version of either. C topics include data types, the syntax for arithmetic, logical and relational functions, control functions, scope, communications with the shell, file i/o, pointers, arrays, structs, typedefs, macro and preprocessor functions, and the use of libraries and multiple source files. Unix topics include the file and directory structures, permissions, shells, standard tools such as history, sort, vi, grep, sed, tar, and make, and simple shell scripting.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 16100.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 25600 - Applications Software Project

    Project course requiring implementation of an integrated application system from a structured design. Emphasis on structured development techniques and on system and user documentation. Other topics include indexed and relative file organization, JCL, Reportwriter, and introduction to information and business systems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 15500, 16100, and ENG W234.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 26000 - Data Structures

    This course is an introduction to the common data structures (ADT’s) of computer science and the algorithms which maintain and operate on them. These include arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, and more general structures like maps and dictionaries. The relevant algorithms include additions, deletions, sorts, searches, traversals, and others appropriate to the structure. The course includes an introduction to the prediction and testing of algorithm performance.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 1600 and MA 17500.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 27000 - Assembly Language

    Computer hardware organization, the fetch-execute cycle, machine language, and data representation. Assembly language programming, addressing techniques, input/output, calling conventions, procedures and parameter passing, macros, and conditional assembly. Assembler concepts. Emphasis on the development of well-structured programs in assembly language.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 16000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 27100 - Computer Architecture

    Introduction to computer organization and architecture. Fundamentals of digital logic and representation of numeric and nonnumeric data. Assembly-level organization and programming, including instruction formats, addressing modes, and subprogram call/return. Design of main memory, cache memory, and virtual memory. Interrupt basics, interrupt-driven I/O, DMA, and bus protocols. Processor organization, data paths, the control unit, micriprogramming, pipelining, and performance enhancements. Multiprocessor and alternative architectures.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 16100 and MA 17500.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 27400 - Data Communications

    A survey of data communication techniques. Topics include communications media, synchronous and asynchronous transmission, coding, error detection and correction, communications protocols and formats, modulation and demodulation, multiplexing and networking, and the OSI model with emphasis on the physical and data link layers.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 28000 - Survey of Information Technology

    An introduction to information technology development from a perspective using business fundamentals that relate to information systems and the analysis and design of those systems. Topics include competitive, strategic, and technological advantages; collaborative partnerships within e-business; decision making; and databases. Supply chain management, customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, and other applications will be surveyed.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 11400 or 15500, BUS W100 or IET 10500.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 29200 - Intermediate Topics in Computer Science

    Intermediate seminar addressing current topics or issues in computer science or information systems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: consent of instructor.

    Cr. 2-3.
    Variable Title
  • CS 29500 - Industrial Practicum

    Practical problems in local industry limited to about 10 to 20 hours per week for which the student may receive some remuneration. May be repeated but the total combined credit that may be applied to a degree is limited to 3. Open only to full-time students.

    Preparation for Course
    C: sophomore class standing.

    Cr. 1.
  • CS 30600 - Computers in Society

    Case study analysis of the social impacts of computerization and networking. Topics include computer ethics, crime, privacy, security, reliability, and vulnerability. Other topics include cyberphilia, cyberphobia, censorship, depersonalization, disenfranchisement, automated decision making, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and ergonomics. Students present projects applying these issues to today’s environment.

    Preparation for Course
    C: junior class standing.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 31000 - Topics In Computer Languages

    Study of data structures including two-dimensional arrays, pointer variables, linked lists, stacks, queues and trees. Brief introduction to other high-level programming languages. Algorithms for searching and sorting. Recursion. Not open to majors in the department of computer science.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 32100 - Introduction to Computer Graphics

    This is an introductory course in computer graphics. This course introduces fundamental concepts of computer graphics technology and principles to create three-dimensional graphics. Fundamental graphics algorithms are discussed, as well as graphics programming, using a modern graphics standard. Students are expected to complete several programming assignments that implement fundamental computer graphics techniques in the Unix operating system environment.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 33100 - Introduction to C++ and Object-Oriented Programming

    An introduction to the C++ language with emphasis on features supporting object-oriented programming. Fundamental data type and operations. Expression evaluation. Selection and iteration constraints. Functions, procedures, and macro. Standard libraries. Classes: declaration and definition; instances; member functions; constructors and destructors; function overloading; inheritance and polymorphism. Stream input and output. Using classes to encapsulate date structure and implementation details.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 35000 - Programming Language Design

    A survey of language design issues and their implications for translation and run-time support. Examination of modern programming languages and features: Abstract data and control structures, procedures, parameter passing mechanisms, block structuring and scope rules, input/output, concurrent execution, and storage management. Models of run time behavior. Comparison of imperative and declarative programming languages.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000 and CS 27100.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 36000 - Software Engineering

    An introduction to software engineering using an object-oriented approach. The software development process. Iterative and incremental development. Team organization aod project management. Object-oriented analysis and design. Representation of software models using UML: use cases, class and interaction diagram. Metrics for design evaluation. Software quality assurance. Testing planning and specification; unit and integration test methods. Software tools for analysis and design. Ethics and professionalism.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000 and ENG W234.

    Cr. 4.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered Fall and Spring.
  • CS 36400 - Introduction to Database Systems

    Theory and application of database systems for information organization and retrieval based on the relational model. Includes database models, query languages, data dependencies, normal forms, and database design. Projects include use of commercial mainframe and microcomputer database software.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 36500 - Advanced Database Systems

    The first part of the course includes theory of SQL, implementation of some components of DBMS, and a comprehensive project. The second part of the course includes more advanced topics such as recovery; concurrency; and distributed, deductive, and knowledge databases.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 36400.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 36600 - Structured Analysis Techniques

    Methods used in analyzing information systems. Topics include user interviewing and observation, event analysis, data flow diagrams, data dictionaries, minispecifications, decision trees, decision tables, and both logical and physical models. Students practice these techniques in a major structured analysis project resulting in a requirements specification document.

    Preparation for Course
    P: ENG W234 and CS 26000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 36700 - Structured Design Techniques

    Methods used in designing information systems. Topics include structure charts, module specifications, pseudocode, coupling, cohesion, transform analysis, transaction analysis, and user interface design. Includes the detailed design of an information system and the implementation of a prototype of that design.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 36600.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 36800 - Human-Computer Interaction

    Introduction to general issues surrounding human-computer interaction (HCI). The course presents principles, design methodologies, tools, and evaluation techniques with an emphasis on human-centered interface design and implementation. Other issues covered include HCI aspects of multimedia systems, World Wide Web, computer-supported cooperative work, and recent paradigms of HCI.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 37000 - Systems Programming

    Design and operation of systems programs including assemblers, loaders, linkers and macroprocessors. Issues in language translation; expression evaluation, forward referencing, symbol table manipulation, data conversion and code generation. Lexical and syntactic analysis.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000 and CS 27100.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 37200 - Web Application Development

    Introduction to Web application development. Characteristics of Web and application servers; Web engineering principles and application architectures; Web page construction; client and server-side scripting; database interaction; Web application deployment and management; security and performance issues; overview of application-layer protocols.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 27400.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 37400 - Computer Networks

    The design and implementation of data communications networks. Topics include network topologies; message, circuit and packet switching; broadcast, satellite and local area networks; routing; the OSI model with emphasis on the network, transport, and session layers.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 27400.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 37600 - Advanced Computer Architecture

    A comparative study of computer systems and hardware organization. Topics include processor and memory organization, microprogramming, architectural support for operating systems and high-level languages, and I/O organization. Examples of representative architectures.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 27100.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 38000 - Artificial Intelligence

    Fundamental concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence. Search techniques, including local search and constraint satisfaction. Knowledge representation concepts and methods of reasoning. Software agents, machine learning and neural networks, and AI planning systems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 38400 - Numerical Analysis

    Iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations; direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems; interpolation and extrapolation; approximation of derivatives, integrals, and functions; numerical techniques for ordinary differential equations; error analysis. Use of mathematical subroutine libraries.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS16000 and MA 166.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 39500 - Industrial Practice I

    Practical problems in local industry limited to about 10-20 hours per week. May be repeated, but the total combined credit that may be applied to a degree is limited to 6. Open only to full-time students. Permission of the department is required.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Junior class standing.

    Cr. 0-3.
  • CS 42100 - Advanced Computer Graphics

    Advanced topics in computer graphics such as three-dimensional rendering, curve and surface design, antialiasing, animation, and visualization. Other topics will be selected depending on current research trends. Through development of projects, students will gain practical experience about modern computer graphics.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 32100.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 44500 - Computer Security

    A survey of the fundamentals of computer security. Topics include risks and vulnerabilities, policy formation, controls and protection methods, survey of malicious logic, database security, encryption, authentication, intrusion detection, network and system security issues, personnel and physical security issues, security design principles, issues of law and privacy.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 46000 - Senior Capstone Project I

    The first course of a two-semester sequence. Student teams will participate in the development of a substantial application-oriented or research-oriented software project utilizing a formal software process model. Emphasis on teamwork, project management, and oral and written communication. Student teams will conduct review activities and develop artifacts appropriate for the software project and process model chosen.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 36000 and senior standing.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered Fall.
  • CS 46400 - Computer Systems Planning

    The planning and design of computer systems, including the formulation of corporate requirements, configuration of hardware to satisfy stated requirements, comparison and evaluation of equipment, installation considerations, and implementation procedures.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 36600.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 46500 - Senior Capstone Project II

    The second course of a two-semester sequence. Student teams will complete the development of a substantial application-oriented or research-oriented software project begun in CS 46000. Emphasis on teamwork, project management, and oral and written communication. Student teams will conduct review activities and develop artifacts appropriate for the software project and process model chosen. Students will be required to conduct a final formal review and demonstration to project stakeholders and other interested persons.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 46000.

    Cr. 3.
    Session Indicators
    Typically offered Spring.
  • CS 46600 - Strategic Issues for Information Systems

    Topics in information systems management including strategic planning for competitive advantage, charge-back, systems portfolio risk analysis, security, and assimilating technology advances. Students develop an information systems strategic plan.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Senior standing either IS or CS and ENG W234.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 46700 - Project Management

    Covers the techniques required to manage systems development. Topics include project proposal, planning, estimating, organizing, controlling, and completion. Students practice these techniques on a major project using project management software.

    Preparation for Course
    P: Senior standing either IS or CS andENG W234.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 47200 - Operating Systems Design

    The design and implementation of modern multiprocessing operating systems. Topics include concurrent programming, real and virtual storage allocation, resource allocation and deadlock prevention and avoidance, job scheduling, and analytic modeling. Students will complete projects involving concurrency and implement a portion of a multiprocessing operating system.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000 and CS 27100.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 47400 - Compiler Construction

    Techniques for the syntax-directed translation of modern high-level languages. Topics include grammars and language specification, language design issues, lexical analysis, LL and LR parsing techniques, semantics, symbol table design, code generation, and local optimization. Students are required to implement a compiler for a subset of a structured high-level language such as Pascal or Ada.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 35000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 48600 - Analysis of Algorithms

    Techniques for analyzing the time and space requirements of algorithms and problems. Application of these techniques to sorting, searching, pattern-matching, graph problems, and other selected problems. Brief introduction to the intractable (NP-hard) problems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000 and MA 16600.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 48800 - Theory of Computation

    Mathematical models of computation including finite and pushdown automata and Turing machines and equivalence of different general-purpose models. Grammars and their relation to automata, Church’s Thesis, and limits of computation.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 35000.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 49200 - Topics in Computer Science

    Seminar addressing current topics or issues in computer science or information systems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
  • CS 49400 - Directed Study

    Independent study for students who desire to execute a complete computer-oriented project. Course may be repeated for credit up to 6 hours toward graduation.

    Preparation for Course
    C: junior or senior class standing.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • CS 49500 - Cooperative Experience

    For Cooperative Education students only. Permission of the department required.

    Cr. 0-3.
  • CS 50300 - Operating Systems

    Basic principles of operating systems: addressing modes, indexing, relative addressing, indirect addressing, stack maintenance; implementation of multitask systems; control and coordination of tasks, deadlocks, synchronization, mutual exclusion; storage management, segmentation, paging virtual memory; protection, sharing, access control; file systems; resource management; evaluation and prediction of performance. Students are expedited to spend at least three hours per week gaining hands-on experience in using and modifying a small operating system.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • CS 51400 - Numerical Analysis

    Iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations; linear difference equations, applications to solution of polynomial equations, differentiation and integration formulas; numerical solution of ordinary differential equations; round-off error bounds.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 38400 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CS 52000 - Computational Methods in Analysis

    A treatment of numerical algorithms for solving classical problems in real analysis, with primary emphasis on linear and nonlinear systems of equations and on optimization problems; the writing, testing, and comparison of numerical software for solving such problems; a discussion of the characteristics of quality software for implementing these algorithms.

    Preparation for Course
    P: MA 35100 or MA 51100.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CS 54300 - Introduction to Simulation and Modeling of Computer Systems

    Simulation: discrete event simulation, process-oriented simulation, generating random numbers, simulation languages, simulation examples of complex systems. Nondeterministic models: random variables, Poisson process, moment generating functions, statistical inference and data analysis. Modeling: elementary queuing models, network of queues, applications to performance evaluation of computer systems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000 and STAT 51100 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CS 54700 - Information Storage and Retrieval and Natural Language Processing

    Complex data structures: of fields within records, clustered, multilist, and inverted files; key decoding by tree and randomized techniques; overall techniques of classical document-retrieval systems, e.g., the MEDLARS and NASA systems; overall techniques of automatic document-retrieval systems, e.g., TIP and SMART, the internal structure of SMART; question-answering systems; natural-language translation.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CS 57200 - Heuristic Problem Solving

    Design and development of heuristic problem-solving systems. The emphasis is on the development of general data representations, heuristics, and problem-solving strategies that can be applied to wide classes of problems. The task areas explored include game playing, theorem proving, pattern recognition, semantic information processing, cognitive psychology, design synthesis, robotology, and integrated artificial intelligence systems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 26000 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CS 58000 - Algorithm Design, Analysis, and Implementation

    Basic techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms: dynamic programming, divide and conquer, balancing. Upper and lower bounds on time and space costs, worst case and expected cost measures. A selection of applications such as disjoint set union/find, graph algorithms, search trees, pattern matching. The polynomial complexity classes P, NP, and co-NP; intractable problems.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CS 48600 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CS 59000 - Topics in Computer Science

    Selected topics in computer science.

    Cr. 3.
    Dual Level Course
    Dual Level, Undergraduate-Graduate
  • CSD 11500 - Introduction to Communicative Disorders

    Nature, symptoms, and causes of communicative disorders and the principal methods used for remediation.

    Cr. 3.
  • CSD 18100 - First Course in American Sign Language

    Basic manual communication skill including the American manual alphabet, approximately 550 basic signs, and the history and place of manual communication in society. Designed to give the students minimum vocabulary and skills in communicating with individuals who are dependent on this form of communication.

    Cr. 3.
  • CSD 18200 - Second Course in American Sign Language

    Development of conversational skills, vocabulary, and basic grammar of sign language.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 18100 or AUS 18100 or equivalent.

    Cr. 3.
  • CSD 28300 - Intermediate American Sign Language III

    This course is the third semester of intermediate level American Sign Language. This course builds on skills in the first year of ASL courses to develop more complex ASL grammatical features, vocabulary, short stories, narratives and dialogues. Included is an awareness for and information related to Deaf culture and local Deaf community.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 18200.

    Cr. 3.
  • CSD 28400 - Intermediate American Sign Language IV

    This course is a fourth semester of American Sign Language designed to continue the development of expressive and receptive skills in ASL. Specifically, more advanced syntax, grammar and vocabulary will be used to develop and comprehend lengthier narratives. A variety of ASL literature will be studied to enhance awareness and knowledge of the Deaf culture and local Deaf community.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 28300 with a grade of C or better.

    Cr. 3.
  • CSD 30200 - Acoustic Bases of Speech and Hearing

    The physical characteristics of speech sounds and the psychophysical processes involved in hearing. Restricted to CSD majors only, unless departmental permission granted.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 2, Lab. 2.
  • CSD 30400 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism

    An introduction to the anatomical and physiological bases of normal and abnormal voice, articulation, and hearing. Lab includes demonstrations and exercises to support lecture materials. Restricted to CSD majors only, unless departmental permission granted.

    Preparation for Course
    P: BIOL 20300 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab. 2.
  • CSD 30600 - Introduction to Phonetics

    An introduction to articulatory phonetics, speech sounds in languages of the world, and principles and symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Extensive practice in phonetic transcription. Restricted to CSD majors only, unless departmental permission granted.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 3.
  • CSD 30900 - Language Development

    Specific nature, sequence, and pattern of oral language development from birth through adolescence. Nature of language acquisition and approaches to the study of children’s language are presented. Linguistic and psychological explanations of the sequence of development are discussed. Restricted to CSD majors only, unless departmental permission granted.

    Cr. 3.
  • CSD 32100 - Introduction to Phonological Disorders in Children

    An introduction to phonological and phonemic development and disorders of speech sounds in children. Basic methods of assessment and intervention for phonological errors are discussed.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 30600.

    Cr. 3.
  • CSD 39900 - Directed Study in Audiology and Speech Sciences

    Special projects such as directed readings, independent and/or cooperative research on professionally relevant topics under the guidance of an CSD faculty member.

    Cr. 1-3.
  • CSD 40500 - Augmentative and Computer Applications in Speech and Language

    An introductory overview with emphasis on potential application in assessment, treatment, research, and administrative functions related to communication disorders.

    Preparation for Course
    P: one disorders course (CSD 42000, 43000, 32100).

    Cr. 3
  • CSD 41600 - Introduction to Assessment of Communication Disorders

    An introduction to the basic principles of assessment as it applies across the age and disorder spectrum. Specific assessment tools and tests are discussed and practiced.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 30200, 30400, and 30900.

    Cr. 3.
  • CSD 42000 - Introduction to Developmental Speech and Language Disorders

    Introduction to disorders of speech and language in children. Characteristics of these disorders, methods of evaluation, and intervention procedures are discussed.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 11500, 30600, 30900.

    Cr. 3.
  • CSD 43000 - Speech-Language Disorders in Healthcare Settings

    Presents speech-language disorders across the lifespan encountered in a variety of healthcare settings. Discusses the etiology, evaluation, and management of these disorders. Addresses administrative structures, team approaches, and reimbursement issues in healthcare settings.

    Preparation for Course
    P: 5 semester credits in speech pathology or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
  • CSD 44900 - Introduction to Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology

    The first in a series of practicum courses designed to provide instruction and practical experience in basic diagnostic procedures and therapeutic approaches to speech and language disorders.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 11500, 30400, 30600, 30900; minimum grade of B in CSD 42000,32100; overal GPA and in major of 3.0, and consent of instructor.

    Cr. 2-3.
    Class 2-4.
  • CSD 46000 - Introduction to Assessment Audiology

    Authorized equivalent courses or consent of instructor may be used in satisfying course prerequisites. History of audiology, normal and abnormal processes of hearing, basic methods of audiological assessment, and introduction to the development and management of hearing-conservation programs. Laboratory provides practical instruction in the procedures discussed in class.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 30200 and 30400 or equivalent.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab, 2.
  • CSD 54900 - Clinical Practice in Speech/Language Pathology I

    The second in a series of practicum courses designed to provide instruction and practical experience in fundamental diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to speech and language disorders.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 42000, 44900, 52100 or equivalents, with a grade of B or better in each course. R: CSD 43000 or equivalent and consent of instructor.

    Cr. 1-8.
    Class 1, Lab. 1-8.
    May be repeated for credit.
    Dual Level Course
  • CSD 55000 - Aural Rehabilitation for Adults

    Theoretical and clinical implications associated with the rehabilitation of hearing loss in adults and geriatric adults. Discussion centers on a family-centered team approach, built upon the effective use of amplification and other assistive devices.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 46000 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 4.
    Class 3, Lab. 2.
    Dual Level Course
  • CSD 55100 - Aural Rehabilitation for Children

    An overview of the effects of hearing impairment on language, speech, academic, and psychosocial development. Topics also include communication modalities, and principles and current practices for assessment and intervention.

    Preparation for Course
    P: CSD 46000 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 3.
    Class 3.
    Dual Level Course
  • CSD 59000 - Directed Study of Special Problems

    Preparation for Course
    P: consent of instructor.

    Cr. 1-6.
    Variable Title
    May be repeated for credit.
    Dual Level Course
  • DANC 10100 - Modern Dance I

    Modern dance is an American art form that has been called “modern” because it broke away from the traditions and formal disciplines of classical ballet of the 19th century. It began as a freedom of expression, individuality, and spirit specifically at the time of the women’s suffrage movement, Prohibition, WWI, and new movements in the arts. Over time, principles of the movement and technique were established by the pioneers of modern dance. although these early pioneers had very different styles and backgrounds, they were all serious about their art and creating a new form of dance we now call: modern dance.

    Within this course, students will read about the early modern dance pioneers and begin learning the foundation of the art form through vigorous warm-ups and center practice. Classes will also incorporate movement experiences, discussion, improvisation, choreographic compositions, and dance viewing to acquaint students with a range of modern dance styles within a cultural and historical context. Musicality, movement dynamics, personal and period style, as well as the scientific and anatomical principles of dance technique will be discussed and emphasized. The student will be asked to investigate and explore their own mental, physical, and emotional nature in relation to dance and their dancing, so as to inform and expand their capabilities as a dancer and artist. Students will be exposed to improvisational movement as well within the course to help develop awareness of their own body’s capabilities and expressiveness through self-exploration.

    Cr. 2.
    Class 1, Studio 2.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 10200 - Ballet I

    This course provides a study of classical ballet for the beginner dancer. Classes are participatory, focusing on the development of proficiency in the execution of the classic ballet movement and vocabulary. The anatomical and scientific principles of dance technique along with musicality, phrasing, and movement dynamics will also be emphasized throughout the course. Students will be involved in barre, center, and across the floor work along with in class discussions, readings, and dance compositions to form a deeper understanding and appreciation of the art of dance. May be repeated for up to six credits.

    Preparation for Course
    P: DANC 39000 or permission of instructor.

    Cr. 2.
    Class 1, Studio 2.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 10300 - Jazz Dance I

    A study of jazz dance, including early jazz and musical comedy as well as contemporary styles. Emphasis on current locomotor jazz techniques. May be repeated for up to six credits. Credit may be granted by audition.

    Cr. 2.
    Class 1, Studio 2.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 12100 - Tap Dance I

    The emphasis in this course will be on learning basic steps and tap progressions. Class will include barre work, across the floor and center floor combinations. Graded technique will be incorporated to monitor progress. This class may be repeated for up to four credits. Credit may be granted by audition.

    Cr. 2.
    Class 1, Studio 2.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 13400 - The Study of Movement in Human Society

    Through the cross-cultural lens of dance anthropology, ethnology, aesthetics, and performance, we will study the mean dance holds for its community of participants as well as how it functions in a particular society.

    Cr. 3.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 13600 - Teaching Dance: Theories and Methods

    Introduce students to theories and practices of teaching dance and creative movement to a variety of populations in diverse settings.

    Cr. 3.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 20100 - Modern Dance II

    A continuation and refinement of the basic modern dance techniques and principles addressed in DANC 101.

    Preparation for Course
    P: DANC10100.

    Cr. 2.
    Class 1, Studio 2.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 20200 - Ballet II

    This course will build upon dancer’s current technique. Classes are participatory, focusing on the further development to increase turnout, flexibility, and stage presence. Students will be involved in barre, center, and across the floor work, including more complex adagio, allegro, and turn combinations. This course will entail in-class discussions, readings, and dance compositions to form a deeper understanding and appreciation of the art of dance. The anatomical and scientific principles of dance technique along with musicality,phrasing, and movement dynamics will also be emphasized throughout the course. May be repeated for up to 6 credits.

    Preparation for Course
    P: DANC10200 or consent of instructor.

    Cr. 2.
    Class 1, Studio 2.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 20300 - Jazz Dance II

    Jazz Dance II is a continuation of Jazz I. further training of the dancer’s body with more detailed warm-ups and combinations is the emphasis of the class. Preparing the dancer for performance level is stressed. May be repeated for up to six hours of credit. Credit may be granted by audition.

    Preparation for Course
    P: DANC10300 or THTR11700.

    Cr. 2.
    Class 1, Studio 2.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 22100 - Tap Dance II

    The emphasis in this course will be on building upon the basic steps and progressions achieved in beginning tap (DANC 121). Class will include barre work, across the floor and center combinations. As in Tap I, graded technique will be incorporated to monitor progress. This class may be repeated up to four credits. Credit may be granted by audition.

    Preparation for Course
    P: DANC12100.

    Cr. 2.
    Class 1, Studio 2.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 24000 - Fundamentals of Dance Composition

    An introduction to the theory and practice of the principles and utilization of choreogrphic skills.

    Cr. 3.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 25100 - Dance History

    This course is designed to expose students to dance as a fundamental form of human expression. Varied forms of dance will be analyzed and discussed within a sociological, cultural, and historical framework. The focus of this course is the development of Western theatrical dance from the birth of ballet in the Renaissance courts through the eclectic marriage of dance forms found in 20th century America. Throughout this course, students should develop an understanding of dance as an art form.

    Cr. 3.
    Subject Area
  • DANC 39000 - Introduction To Dance

    This course explores the fundamentals of various dance forms to improve body awareness/performance.

    Cr. 3.
    Subject Area
  • DAST A101 - Anatomy & Physiology

    A basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology providing explanations of how structures function and examples of how they work together to maintain life. This course will help students learn about the cells, tissues, integument, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems as an integrated unit.

    Cr. 2.

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